We’re excited to announce that Green Planet & GAMMA are now live.
Everyone is extremely excited about the launch of Green Planet & GAMMA, and how could you not be. This has been an ambitious endeavor to launch 4 planets in 200 days and the communities patience is always appreciated.
No more AQUA will be minted after today.
Please read the entire article as it will likely answer all or most of the questions you might have. Also, if you’re looking for a vault that you have deposited into and you don’t see it, make sure you click the finished tab below deposit & earn on Blue Planet, Red Planet or Uranus.
There’s been some challenges with public nodes on BSC that have definitely slowed the pace at which everyone contributing to Planet Finance is used to being able to work at. We’re confident that this will continue to improve in the coming weeks and months. There may be some bugs on the front end, if you do happen to notice anything, please report them in the telegram group or you can email admin@planetfinance.io.
While testing Green Planet there was GAMMA claimed to confirm that the distribution & claiming worked. All GAMMA earned during testing will be sent back to the reservoir address and will flow back out as rewards to the community as part of the 100,000 GAMMA per day.
It’s strongly recommended to keep your borrow limit below 80% unless you’re experienced with lending protocols, so if you’re new, take it slow.
Thank you all so much, this is another major chapter for Planet Finance and feels like we’re just getting started.
Much more to come this week…
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Where to access Green Planet:
GAMMA Token Address
GAMMA Airdrop
Go to https://app.planet.finance/ and connect your wallet. If you qualified for the airdrop you can claim your GAMMA by clicking the Claim Airdrop button at the top of the page. This won’t cost you any gas fee to claim your GAMMA airdrop.
AQUA-BNB & AQUA-GAMMA Liquidity Pools
Initially these are the first liquidity pools that are launching. They will have a major boost in terms of GAMMA earned until the other new LP’s vaults launch.
To move your AQUA-BNB from the old vault (earning AQUA) into the new vault (earning GAMMA) you can just withdraw your LP tokens and then deposit them into the new vault.
Both of these vaults can be found on Blue Planet & Red Planet. You can also use Green Planet to add liquidity into these pools.
Single Asset Vaults On Blue & Red Planet
All of the new single asset vaults that were launched, connect directly to Green Planet. You will notice that if you open a vault on Blue or Red Planet for these, there’s no space to “collect GAMMA” for that specific vault.
This is because while using Green Planet, you can claim all GAMMA rewards with one button for all markets. So, on Blue Planet & Red Planet on web, you’ll notice a “vault earnings” box on the right side of your screen. If you click collect, that will claim all of your pending GAMMA rewards you’re accruing while having assets supplied on Green Planet.
Green Planet & GAMMA Audit
The audit for Green Planet is currently in progress and is be conducted by Halborn Security! There will be updates coming out shortly about this.
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Over the next week the aim is to safely launch the other elements detailed below as soon as possible.
Additional Liquidity Pools
There’s an issue with the new liquidity pools. The aim is to get these new pools launched in the next 24 hours or so. These will be huge for Planet Finance.
GAMMA Auto-Compound Vault
The GAMMA auto-compound strategy should be launching this week! This will enable anyone to deposit GAMMA & have their GAMMA automatically compounded for them.
Metrics Page
Due to some issues with BSC nodes that effected Graph, we had to delay launching the metrics page. The aim is to have this out in the next 7–10 days.
As always, be careful and nobody will ever DM you with links to Green Planet or to claim GAMMA.